Bill and Wilma Bates love the University Libraries, and their gifts demonstrate that appreciation for the role of the libraries in campus life. The Bates Collaboratory, Room 574 in the Jackson Library Tower, was recently renovated and named to honor William Bates, Professor Emeritus of Biology, whose career spanned 1966-2000. Bill was Head of the Biology Department from 1979-1988, so it is particularly appropriate that the Collaboratory should be located on the Fifth Floor of the Tower along with the biology collection. Both during his career and after his retirement, Bill has spent a lot of time in Jackson Library, particularly at his faculty study. His wife Wilma, now retired, was a media coordinator in the Guilford County Schools. Frequent attendees at library events, the two want to give back to the Libraries and have been members of the Jackson Society for several years and members of the Friends for more than a decade. We are appreciative of the...
The Friends of the UNCG Libraries are advocates and supporters of the Libraries. Our Friends make a real difference in our ability to serve the campus and the local community.