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Showing posts from August 10, 2014

Clingers' Gift to Support Oral Histories of Women Veterans

Charlotte Holder Clinger and Noel W. Clinger have established The Colonel Charlotte Holder Clinger ’65 Oral History Fund as a term endowment gift to enhance the work of the Betty H. Carter Women Veteran’s Historical Project in the University Libraries.  Charlotte Clinger was born in Asheboro, North Carolina.  She graduated from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1965 with a degree in history.  Her love of history motivated Charlotte to support the oral history project of the Women Veterans Historical Project.  She recognizes the importance of capturing first-hand accounts to document history. Charlotte joined the U. S. Air Force in 1967.  She attended Officer Training School and was then sent to Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado for intelligence training.  It was there that she met her future husband, Noel Clinger.  Charlotte was the first woman ever stationed with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing.  She did intelligence br...

Self Check Express. It’s fast! It’s easy! It’s convenient!

Did you know that most items from the Jackson Library Stacks, Current Literature, Audiobooks and Paperbacks collections can be borrowed using the Libraries’ 2 Self Check Express machines? Also, over the summer the entertainment DVD collection was reprocessed so that they, too, can be self checked. Why wait in line?  Use Self Check Express.  •    Self checks are located in the Jackson Library on the Check Out Desk and in the hallway between the Check Out Desk and the Tower elevators.  •    Your Friends membership card and a current borrowing account are required. •    After checkout, DVD cases can be unlocked after exiting the Library via the Library-EUC Connector or the College Ave. doors. •    FOL borrowers are limited to 10 checkouts on their account at any time, 2 of which can be entertainment DVDs. Please continue to return items to the Check Out Desk if you wish to borrow more immediately.  If not, ...