All of the following events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Thursday, February 5 : Charlie Lovett, author of First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen . 7 p.m. Hodges Reading Room, second floor Jackson Library Monday, February 9 : Friends of the UNCG Libraries Book Discussion - Regeneration by Pat Barker, led by Keith Gorman of the University Libraries . 4 p.m. Hodges Reading Room, Jackson Library 2nd floor, UNCG. Wednesday, February 25 : Presentation by journalist Jim Schlosser, “Greensboro at the Beginning of World War I.” 4 p.m. Hodges Reading Room, Jackson Library 2nd floor, UNCG. Thursday, February 26 : Presentation by Greg Grieve of the Religious Studies Department, "Playing with Religion and Digital Games in the Library." 3 p.m. Hodges Reading Room, Jackson Library 2nd floor, UNCG. Thursday, March 26 : Screening and discussion of "Ivory Tower" documentary film 3:30 p.m. Elliott Uni...