Elizabeth Hudson (’95) operates at the intersection of Energy Street and Enthusiasm Avenue. When you meet her, she quickly informs you that she has the best job in the world, and she credits UNCG for preparing her to get it. Hudson began at Our State magazine answering telephones. Now she’s the editor-in-chief, and she puts more than 2000 miles a month on her car visiting all around the state in order to better communicate the many great things she sees about North Carolina. Each month, Our State magazine "celebrates the very best of North Carolina through authentic storytelling and stunning photography. Begun in 1933, Our State has long been the trusted resource for all things North Carolina. It’s the perfect source of information for those who’ve lived in North Carolina all their lives, those just becoming acquainted with the state, or those looking to visit or relocate." She knows whereof she speaks. Hudson is a native of North Carolina who gre...
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