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UNCG Contributing Heavily to State and National Professional Conferences This Fall

UNCG faculty and staff are especially active in presenting at the upcoming conferences of the NC Library Association, the Society of North Carolina Archivists, and the Charleston Conference.

Here's a guide to our presentations at the conferences prepared by reference intern Katie O'Connor:

UNCG Presenters at NCLA (North Carolina Library Associaton)

Tuesday, October 15

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
LAMS/Leadership Institute with Adair Cates

Michael Crumpton, UNCG; Adair Cates

The morning will begin with a workshop on basic emotional intelligence principles as demonstrated in last year’s NCLA Leadership Institute, by Michael Crumpton. Followed by the afternoon session with Adair Cates. Adair came into this world with a clear and forceful intention to fully live her life and share her experience to inspire others. Her devotion to the passionate life has resulted in an impressive list of accomplishments: She held teaching positions in several schools from middle school to college where her enthusiasm and communication skills transformed the learning experience. Her love of learning prompted her to start her own business designing and delivering workshops and motivational speeches to increase satisfaction in work and life. To support her mission to inspire others to their best lives, she wrote Live With Intention: Ten Steps to Creating the Life of Your Dreams, a book that prompted Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup For the Soul) to write, “If you’re ready to create something new in your life, this book is for you!”

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Stronger Together: Multicultural Competence - From Ideas to Action

Tiffany Allen, UNC; Kathy Bradshaw, UNCG; Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin, Forsyth County; Barbee Oakes & Shayla Herndon-Edmunds, WFU

This workshop will feature library leaders and Library HR personnel in a conversation around cross cultural competence during the morning. The panel will share recommendations and answer those tough questions: How do you make sure your library has a welcoming inclusive presence? What challenges do you face recruiting talented diverse staff members, what are some of the major hurdles? And what works? In the afternoon, Shayla will lead us through the GATEKEEPERS series. A “gatekeeper” is defined as any member who represents the Library through his or her interaction with the community at large. Enhancing our Community through Inclusion introduces gatekeepers to the meaning and value of diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion; enhances participants’ knowledge and understanding of cultural differences, similarities, and perceptions; and provides tools that help participants effectively engage in building and maintaining a more diverse and inclusive community.

Wednesday, October 16

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Grumble Theory in the Workplace

Michael Crumpton & Kathy Bradshaw, UNCG

Maslow’s Grumble Theory identifies for us a pattern of behaviors that is linked to how we can be motivated or not motivated at work as it relates to satisfying individual needs. Human resource professionals and organizational management can use this theory to create organizational strategy that supports keeping employees motivated and confident in their career path. This presentation will discuss the foundations behind Grumble Theory, provide ideas and suggestions as to how an organization can work with “grumbles” to help employees meet their next level of needs and thereby improve their motivation in achieving their workplace goals.


2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
How to Sustain Online Projects Once They Are Launched

Keith Gorman, Jennifer Motszko, Kathelene Smith, & Curtis Rogers

Examining the development of two online state literary maps (North Carolina and South Carolina), panel discussants will consider the challenge of sustaining web based projects. With little original project planning for long-term support, panelists will discuss how they are seeking to clarify vision and audience, overhaul design, enhance search functions, and embrace social media. Gorman, Motszko and Smith will focus on relaunch of the NC Lit Map in October 2012. Whereas, Curtis will demonstrate the newly relaunched SC Lit Map in September 2013.


2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
What I Wish I'd Known Then

Lorrie Russell, High Point Public Library (Facilitator); Elena Owens, Wake County; Jane Casto & Jody Risacher, Cumberland County; Mike Crumpton, UNCG

Are you a new manager, or are you interested in becoming one? Come join us as a panel of seasoned managers share information they wish they had known when starting in the library field. We will entertain questions on various topics such as mentoring, staff development, morale and communication issues. Our panelists will speak for a few moments each from personal experience, and will answer questions from our attendees dealing with real life situations. Join us for what promises to be a lively discussion about things we all wish we had known when starting as a new manager!

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Maximizing Your Assets

Sean Mulligan, UNCG

The importance of providing staff development within a library is often undervalued by administration. Highly functioning staff development programs, however, can provide effective overall benefits and service within a library. This presentation will focus on those features of staff development and its benefits. Attendees of this presentation will gain an increased knowledge about staff development, ways to implement a staff development program within in a library on a budget, and an understanding of why staff development should be a critical part of any library that wishes to be successful in maximizing their great assets, their employees.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
A Collective Voice and Vision: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Staff Needs Assessment

Anthony Chow, UNCG; Seth Ervin, Tom Cole, Michael Wozniak, Beatriz Guevara & Bethany Scott, Charlotte Mecklenburg

This presentation will highlight the needs assessment process that Charlotte Mecklenburg Library underwent starting in the fall 2013 as part of its strategic planning process. The Library tasked a team of twelve staff members who conducted four focus groups and five open forums with staff across its 20 branches. This presentation has two goals: 1) We will cover the strategy and best practices of surveying library staff members in a needs assessment scenario. 2) We will share some of the major issues the staff is facing based on the results of the analysis.


4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Behind the Scenes but not Behind the Times: Career Perspectives in Technical Services

Anna Craft, (Moderator) & Beth Bernhardt, UNCG, Lisa Kushner, Forsyth County; Rich Murray, Duke

This discussion of careers in library technical services will feature a group of panelists with a diverse set of experiences, including academic and public library perspectives. Speakers will address the skills needed in their departments, current and future job prospects in their areas of work, and what technical services departments are looking for when they hire new people - especially for entry level jobs. Whether you're trying to get into technical services work or trying to figure out what career options technical services has to offer, this session is for you.

Thursday, October 17

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
The Academic Liaison: From Resources to Relationships to Reinvention

Richard Moniz & Joe Eshleman, Johnson & Wales; Steve Cramer, UNCG; Jo Henry, Charlotte Mecklenburg

This panel will explore the evolution and current practices of liaison collaboration with faculty and administrators. We will discuss best practices in relationship building, communication strategies, and embedded liaison work and invite participants to share their own ideas and experiences. We will conclude with a discussion of future trends in liaison work. Questions discussed include: What are the current core fundamentals of liaison work and how do they differ from the past? What are the current communication trends and how can good communication be established? How is embedded liaison work changing the structure and meaning of academic liaisons?

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Designing the Future: Public Library Community Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning

Anthony Chow, UNCG; Robert Burgin; Bill Millett; Raye Oldham & Jennifer Pratt, State Library

The State Library of North Carolina launched a pilot program involving eight county library systems that standardized the process for conducting community needs analysis and strategic planning efforts. Three consultants were asked to develop and implement the process from June 2012-June 2013. Our presentation will share the results of these eight projects, the process we followed, the summative results of over 4,000 participants - including information needs, preferences for library
services, and their opinion of the future of libraries - and the respective strategic plans that were developed. Implications for replication and refinement will be discussed.

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
OCLC Worldshare Management Services: Ways to Stop Spending Time and Start Investing It

Tim Bucknall, UNCG; Jill Gremmels, Davidson College; Laura Johnson, Livingstone College; Bobby Wynn, FSU; Andrew Pace, OCLC

With their introduction more than two years ago, OCLC WorldShare Management Services (WMS) have provided an integrated and simpler solution for libraries to manage their collections, simplify workflows, and afford more time to focus on innovation and improving services. Today, more than 100 libraries on three continents — Australia, Europe and North America—are using OCLC’s cloud-based library management services. Join WMS community members from North Carolina, who will share why they chose WMS and the results their staff and users have realized to date. Additionally, OCLC’s Andrew Pace will present an overview of WMS and a preview of what’s next.
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Looking for Professional Development in All the Wrong Places – Extending Your Professional Development Beyond Librarianship

A. Kathy Bradshaw, UNCG

Most librarians obtain their professional development from professional librarian associations, but given the increasingly varied professional responsibilities of today’s librarians, should professional development be limited to library professional organizations? Membership or activity in non-library related professional organizations is one way of expanding professional knowledge which not only benefits the individual librarian, but also the patrons they serve as well as the profession. This interactive session will demonstrate opportunities for librarians to expand their professional development opportunities as well as their professional networks.

11:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
Growing Embedded Librarians Like Kudzu: How a Popular Program Got Out of Hand and the Collaboration That Saved It

Mark Coltrain & Julie Obst, Central Piedmont CC; Panelists: Nora Bird, Beth Martin, UNCG

Embedded librarianship is more popular than ever, students, faculty, and librarians love the program and the direct connection between curriculum and library resources. But how to libraries keep up with demand? This session will showcase a joint program between CPCC Libraries and UNCG LIS department, dubbed the Embedded Extension Service. Its goal was to train graduate interns on CPCC’s program using a distance model, then provide interns access to actual courses as embedded librarians, expanding the programs reach as well as providing real world online instruction experience for the interns. This session will reflect on one semester of the program from all angles.
12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM
Luncheon with Tara Green, Sponsored by REMCO

Tara T. Green is Professor and Director of African American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she teaches literature and gender studies courses. In addition to publishing From the Plantation to the Prison: African American Confinement Literature and Oprah Winfrey, Her Films, and African American Literature, she is the author of A Fatherless Child: Autobiographical Perspectives of African American Men, winner of the 2011 National Council for Black Studies Outstanding Scholarship Award. Dr. Green has presented her work in Africa, England, and the Caribbean, as well as throughout the United States. She is completing a book manuscript on activism.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Bridging the Language Barrier in Public Services: Enhancing Cross Cultural Communication in Academic Libraries

Nataly Blas & Emily Mann, UNCG

Academic libraries nationwide are looking at ways to serve the needs of their diverse patrons. This program aims to equip academic librarians working in various public service roles to effectively communicate with diverse patrons, in particular non-native English speakers. Bridging the Language Barrier in Public Services will provide an overview of cross-cultural communication, a discussion of cultural and language barriers, and practical tips to serve the needs of multilingual patrons.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Stronger Together: Another Look at Faculty/Librarian Collaboration
Nancy Poole, UNCG

While many case studies have been conducted on collaboration between librarians and faculty who provide instruction on Information Literacy, there are few articles exploring the extent of such collaborative efforts on a large scale. From initial efforts including a pilot survey of reference librarians, open-ended interviews, and focus/task groups, I have developed a model depicting limiting factors for successful collaboration, and a taxonomy specific to academic librarians derived from Patricia Montiel-Overall’s extensive work on school librarianship. I will present brief preliminary findings and then solicit feedback via a short exercise and discussion with the “participant” audience. This promises to be a lively, informative session.

Friday, October 18

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Three to Get Ready (and Go Live!): System Migration in Academic and Public Libraries

Mary Jane Conger UNCG; Lisa Kushner, Forsyth County; Catherine Wilkinson, ASU

Is your library considering a system migration, in the middle of migrating, or dealing with the aftermath? Hear from three librarians in all stages of this process. Systems discussed: Innovative Interfaces’ Sierra, OCLC's WorldShare Management Services, and NC Cardinal's program with Evergreen. Panelists will discuss: some pros and cons of migrating to an open source system; challenges of preparing problems occurring once a library goes live on the new system; challenges of migrating to a cloud-based system; questions of rearranging work flow; evaluating the new system and suggestions for other libraries.

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
The Role of the Librarian in Supporting Community Engagement and Service Learning

Mary G. Scanlon, WFU; Michael A. Crumpton, UNCG

This presentation discusses the role of the librarian in supporting community engagement and service learning activities. It will include definitions of each type of outreach with benefits and learning outcomes, as well as several successful examples of each.

9:45 AM -10:45 AM

Transforming the Profession: Library Residents and Fellows Speak
Leatha Miles-Edmonson, Marquette University; Jason Alston, USC; Nataly Blas, UNCG; Martha A. Parker, U of A; Sojourna Cunningham & Ingrid Ruffin, UT Knoxville; Jennifer Garrett, NCSU; Cynthia Mari Orozco, LMU

Library residencies and fellowships serve a dual purpose of not only recruiting and nurturing some of the brightest new librarians but also serve to strengthen an institution. This panel presentation strives to be a transformational and concise discussion. Transforming the Profession: Library Residents and Fellows Speak will focus on the following: applying to fellowships and residencies, uniqueness of fellowships and residencies, commonalities and differences in the programs, current trends, and the future of positions that develop new librarians.

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Strengthening Instruction Through Curriculum Mapping: A Collaborative Strategy for Targeted Teaching

Katy Kavanagh, ECU; Amy Harris Houk, UNCG; Catherine Tinglestad, Pitt CC; Heidi Buchanan, WCU

A senior capstone class arrives at the library for instruction. Some students have had multiple sessions with the same librarian. Two students say, “I’ve never been in the library before!” The professor says, “I just assumed they knew how to do this already.” Sound familiar? How do librarians ensure that we are offering our instruction strategically and efficiently, helping students develop information literacy skills throughout their academic careers? Librarians at four academic institutions will share different methods for curriculum mapping and make recommendations for completing a similar project at your institution.

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Community College Libraries: Challenges and Solutions

Nora Bird, UNCG; Suvanida Duangudom & Julia Mielish, Wake Technical; CC Mary Lane & Monica Young, Guilford Technical CC; Rejeanor Scott, Edgecombe County CC

Four mini-presentations in one: An unexpected Solution: connecting to our community with LibGuides; Staff Cohesiveness: a brief guide to sticking together; Bribing Them with Cookies: faculty-librarian collaboration; Valuing Community College Libraries.

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Outreach to Faculty in the Digital Age: Successes and Failures

Steve Cramer, UNCG; Keeley Murray, Alisha Webb, Bonnie Toenniessen, & Anders Selhorst, GTCC; Carl Leak, WSSU; Lynne Bisko, Elon

The Digital Age offers many challenges and opportunities for Academic Librarians to partner with faculty in developing information-literate learners. Building relationships with faculty and developing collaborative initiatives is a vital task for academic libraries as outlined in Principle 3 of ACRL's Standards for Libraries in Higher Education, 2011. This panel will present Faculty Outreach successes and challenges from academic libraries of varied sizes serving institutions with unique populations. Highlights will also address "best practices" for using specific instructional technologies (including LibGuides) that effectively enhance outreach and instructional goals, and developing collaborations that successfully assess Learning Outcomes.

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Hearing Silent Voices: Connecting to the Spanish-Speaking Community

Anthony Chow, UNCG; Beatriz Guevara, Charlotte Mecklenburg

The number of North Carolina residents of Hispanic origin grew by 111% from 2000-2010, by far the fastest growing racial group in the state and nation. This part of the community, however, does not frequently participate in typical library community data collection efforts such as surveys, focus groups, or community forums. Our presentation will discuss this issue and ways in which to approach the community in a culturally appropriate fashion that will lead to greater participation. A preliminary summary of the Spanish-speaking patron's information needs will also be presented and our protocol and instrumentation will be made available to attendees.

UNCG Presenters at SNCA (Society of North Carolina Archivists)

Friday, October 18

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Women Veterans Historical Project: Reaching Out to Student Veterans

Beth Ann Koelsch, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The curator of the Women Veterans Historical Project (WVHP) will discuss the strategies she employs to make her collections relevant to current student veterans.  Although the majority of the collections in the WVHP are about WWII, Koelsch actively promotes the Project to student veterans through a variety of initiatives. By building relationships with these students she has been able encourage the student women veterans to add their oral histories to the Project.  Her experiences demonstrate ways to combine outreach and collection development.


9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Collaboration for a 21st Century Archives: Connecting University Archives with the Library’s Information Technology Professionals

Erin Lawrimore and Richard Cox, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

New technologies affect the format of records produced and acquired by archival repositories tasked with documenting society. This proposal brings together a university archivist and a digital technology consultant to discuss ways to overcome challenges related to professional jargon and work practices between archivists and information technologists to produce a successful collaboration. The two will also discuss specific examples of archives-IT collaboration at UNCG, focusing on the development of a born-digital records management system.


10:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Career Planning 101

Keith Gorman, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Kathelene McCarty Smith, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Jennifer Motszko, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

With increasing competition in the job market, new job seekers and those returning to the job hunt must find ways to stand out above the rest.  This session will provide information on creating a solid cover letter and curriculum vitae/resume to present to potential employers, as well as preparing for in the interview process.  The second half of the session will be dedicated to one-on-one time with an archival professional who will review your cover letter/ resume and answer any questions you might have about job searching.  Participants will be asked to submit a cover letter and resume prior to the session.



UNCG Presenters at Charleston Conference

Thursday, November 7

11:30am - 12:15pm
Let’s Talk About Streaming: Providing the Resources that Faculty and Students Request

Jim Davis, President, Docuseek; Christine Fischer Head of Acquisitions, UNC Greensboro; Elizabeth Stanley, National Sales Manager, Bullfrog Films; Amanda Timolat Media Librarian, Baruch College, CUNY; Michael Waldman, Head, Collection Management, Baruch College, CUNY

Libraries have always provided videos as part of their collections, but advances in technology and bandwidth have made it possible now to offer streaming media. The increased accessibility of streaming, available on any network computer, from on or off campus, compared to a DVD makes the decision to seek streaming a no-brainer. Streaming videos however brings a new set of challenges for librarians: there are few or no licensing standards, rights ownership is often unclear and bandwidth limitations are some of them. In this panel we will be presenting the experiences of two academic libraries and of a streaming video provider.

Baruch College has been providing streaming media since fall 2008, with the advent of a new Film Studies minor. The films requested were feature films, often foreign films, not films easily available in any of the nascent aggregator streaming. We will discuss how we grew from streaming a couple of films a semester to over 50.

You’ll also hear about the experience of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in responding to faculty needs as more courses are offered online and students express a preference for streaming options over viewing DVDs in the classroom or the library. One source of educational content is Docuseek2, which provides educational streaming access to films from such publishers and distributors as Bullfrog Films. Representatives of these two companies will explain the technical side of working with our libraries, and they will discuss the pros and cons of self-hosting versus using third party platforms to stream video. This panel will consider licensing issues, access and security issues, and managing course deadlines. We will also discuss issues around hosting (or not) one’s content and what to consider. We will share what we have learned and some best practices that we have developed.

3:15pm - 4:00pm
Cost-Per-Use and the Big Deal: The Right Metric for Cancellation Decisions?
Tim Bucknall, Assistant Dean, UNC Greensboro; Kimberly Lutz, Associate Director of Marketing, ITHAKA

The Carolina Consortium enables academic libraries in North and South Carolina to use their bulk purchasing power to obtain favorable pricing on a variety of electronic resources. In 2013 the Carolina Consortium (CC) included roughly 150 community colleges, public universities, and private institutions of higher learning. Started at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), the CC has no formal structure and requires no membership fees. Librarians at UNCG handle the majority of negotiations with publishers and vendors and serve as a resource for libraries throughout the Carolinas. Through the consortium, members realize a collective cost avoidance of approximately 240 million dollars each year. Despite these significant savings, we believe it is imperative to assess our deals for our members. For the past two years, we have collected cost-per-use statistics on several big journal packages for institutions in the CC with an aim of better understanding the value institutions derive from these deals and to evaluate how well these deals serve the many different types of colleges and universities within the consortium. UNCG and several other CC members have used this cost-per-use data as a metric for determining whether to cancel or renew big deals. In this presentation, we will discuss trends we uncovered through our CPU analysis. We also explore what is behind the numbers and how our members balanced the CPU data with other factors in their decision making. In discussion, we hope to gather information from the attendees about their own CPU data. Through this presentation, attendees will be able to place their usage statistics in a broader context and will take away tools for evaluating the value of their Big Deal packages.

