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LibGuide Created for "What is College For?"

In November, we began a series of programs examining the topic "What is College For?"  It’s a subject that has much significance for our future, both within the academe and outside it.  We need to hear from lots of stakeholders in this enterprise, and every single citizen is a stakeholder to one degree or another.  In Rich DeMillo and Andrew Delbanco, we’re inviting speakers who are leading national figures to weigh in on the subject, and we are screening a major documentary film, Ivory Tower, which has drawn much attention, especially with regard to the rising cost of higher education.

The recent program at UNCG with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and students from our iSchool program illustrated the message of Rich DeMillo earlier in the same week, that technology offers remarkable potential to bring education and learning to those who might not be able to get it in more traditional ways.  I don't usually introduce a personal perspective in these posts, but I was moved to hear at that program a student from Pilot Mountain, the child of a family in which no member had ever graduated high school, talk about how the iSchool helped him prepare and aspire to pursue a college program in civil engineering.  I am proud of UNCG’s role in helping him get there.

We have recently created a LibGuide to pull together information about our speakers, the film, and other thinking on the subject, and we invite your evaluation of these programs through a brief feedback survey found inside that LibGuide on the Feedback tab.
